Sept 1st 2023

Newsletter 1 – Sept 1st 2023


Dear Parents/ Guardians,

I hope you all had a good summer and that you are relaxed, recharged and ready for the new year ahead. A new school year means fresh new books, new teachers, new learning goals, and most importantly new friends. We are so excited to welcome the boys and girls back to school and are looking forward to a year of fun and learning.   May it be all they hope it will be.

Have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards,

Máire Costello


Happy Birthday  Special birthday greetings go out to Julia Donnelly (9yrs), Celine Tobin (12yrs) James O’Donnell (6yrs), Alva Dowling (6yrs), Ailbhe Newman (5yrs), Jan Barczak (12yrs), Úna Phelan (8yrs), Yehor Tselovanikov (7yrs), Tanmit Roy (8yrs), Lorcan Looney(7yrs), Liam Doyle (11yrs) and Rowan Donnelly(9yrs) who are all celebrating birthdays this week.  Breithlá sona daoibh go léir.

School Uniform The children should wear their school uniform to school every day except on the days that they have PE or when they are participating in an After School Sporting Activity organised by the school for which they should wear their school tracksuit.

PE – PE teacher Cormac is all set and ready to start back next Thursday 7th September. The children really look forward to his classes and I know they will give him a big welcome back. All classes will have two sessions of PE a week. One with the class teacher and one with Cormac.   PE will be outdoors as much as possible so we would ask that your child has a rain jacket with them on their PE days.

Staff Shortage – You may be aware of the shortage of teaching staff around the country. Here at St. Brigid’s, we are struggling to fill two of our Learning Support Posts despite an intensive recruitment drive over the summer break. Rest assured we will continue to work hard to fill these positions.

Céad míle Fáilte –  We extend a very special welcome to Leticia Pereira, Sophia Cavey, Christopher Jithin, Maiia Lisnichuk, Agata Stasolla, Ananya Cillian Brennan, Gabriella Nessim, Alexander O’ Connor, Teddy O’ Reilly, Rian de Wet,  Arthur Pereira, Rosyln O’ Connor, Aarav Singh, conor Tierney, Dhyana Kansagra, Kayden Colaco, Rory Dunleavy, Bo van Sleeuwen Fingelton, Raphael Nessim, Jamie O’ Connell and Charlie Corcoran who joined St. Brigid’s NS from other schools this year. Moving schools can be very daunting and I know what a relief it is for parents to hear just how well they are settling in.

New Junior Infants – What can I say about our 36 new Junior Infants!! They are amazing. They look so smart in their shiny new uniforms and seem well ready for “Big School”. They are settling in well to the daily routine, beginning to make new friends and are so enthusiastic about everything. If only we could bottle their enthusiasm.

Welcome Teas –A big thank you to the Parents Association who hosted a special welcome morning for our new parents on Wednesday 30th August. It was a great opportunity for parents to meet up with other parents from their children’s classes.

Annual Blessing of the Schoolbags – This will take place in St. Anthony’s Church Kilcoole on Sunday 3rd September at 10.00am. All are welcome.

Cycle Safety – Cycle Safety classes for 5th class will commence this Monday 4th September. This programme provides children with an understanding of cycle safety theory, bicycle care and practical bicycle safety, and is planned to work into the school timetable.

After School Activities – These will start back the week beginning Monday the 11th September.

Summer School Improvements

  • Outdoor Mural – Completed
  • New PCs were installed in Rooms 5 and 7 – July 2023
  • New Smart Panels were installed in Rooms 4,7,12 and 19 – July 2023.
  • New entrance doors to the main building and to SNP and a new back door from bottom lobby were fitted on the 31st
  • Repairs to windows in Rooms 14, 15, 16, 17 and 20

New School Website – A big thank you to parent Jon Gill who has spent many months redesigning our school website. It is now live, and I think you will agree that it is a lot more attractive and easier to navigate.

It Takes a Village Holiday at the Cove – Saturday 9th September from 1pm to 2pm.There will be music, volleyball, sandcastle buildings and some special surprises on the day. Dress Code – Colourful. All are welcome.

St. Brigid’s Sponsored Walk –This will take place on Friday 29thth September. More details to follow

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