Information for parents
School Name : St Brigid’s N.S
School Address : Trafalgar Road, Greystones, Co. Wicklow
Telephone / Fax : 01-287-6113 / 01-201-0000
Website :
School gates open at 8.50am. Supervision begins at 9.00am
The school day ends
for Junior and Senior Infants at 1.40 p.m.
and at 2.40 for First Class to Sixth.
Please note: Supervision is provided only during official school hours:
9.00 a.m.–1.40 p.m. (for Junior and Senior Infants)
9.00a.m.–2.40 p.m. (for First to Sixth classes).
Pupils are supervised and covered by school insurance only during official school hours and for after-school activities that have been sanctioned by the Board of Management. The Board of Management cannot accept responsibility for children who arrive before the official opening time or who remain on the school premises after the official closing time.
Parents are asked to ensure that their children arrive in the school yard in time for the bell at 9.00 a.m. Children are not permitted to enter the school building before 9 a.m. except on wet mornings (see the information on Wet Day Assembly below). Children are not permitted to go to their classroom unless accompanied by their teacher.
An explanation should be provide for a child’s late arrival. Any child who comes to school after 9.10 a.m. is considered late.
Please collect your child on time.
On wet mornings, children are allowed into the school from 8.50 a.m. However, parents are asked not to come into the school as this causes congestion and overcrowding.
Parents/Guardians who wish to leave a message with a child during the school day are asked to leave it at the secretary’s office so as not to interrupt a class. The secretary and the principal spend a lot of time conveying messages and making phone calls for parents and children because children forgot to give notes from the school to parents. While we are happy to oblige in an emergency, we do not want to spend undue amounts of time answering the phone or making phone calls as this takes us away from the work we do that ensures the smooth running of the school.
Children can forget what they need for the day. Please help your child to pack his/her school bag and prepare lunch the previous night in order to avoid this.
Parents are asked to give their mobile and work phone numbers and the phone number of another person who can be contacted in an emergency. Please keep school secretary informed of any changes to your address or contact numbers.
A written note or message on Aladdin Connect is required from a parent/guardian to explain the following:
– A child’s absence from school.
– A child’s late arrival to school for any reason, e.g. dental appointment.
– If a child has to leave school early for any reason.
A note should be left for the class teacher or secretary at least one day before your child will be arriving late for school, be leaving early or be out of school for any reason.
If a child is to leave school early parents/guardians must collect their child at the secretary’s office where their child must be signed out.
Children must remain on the school premises until dismissal time. Children may not leave the school except with the written request of their parents/guardians and permission of the principal.
Please collect your child on time.
Please wait in the yard for your child to be brought out by their teacher.
Please keep doorways clear.
When you have collected your child, please keep them with you. Children are not allowed to climb on gates/railings, run up and down steps or play in garden/pebbled areas while parents chat
For safety reasons, every child must leave the classroom at dismissal time. Children must not return to their classroom for any reason after their class has been dismissed.
Children should wait for their siblings and friends in the yard. They should not go to different lobbies to meet siblings. We make these requests all for reasons of safety.
St Brigid's National School
School uniform
School Uniform
> Green tartan school pinafore/grey trouser
> Green crested cardigan/jumper
> White blouse/shirt
> Green tie
> White, dark green or navy stockings/ tights
> Grey socks with trousers
> Optional kilt for 5th/6th class with green jumper
> Blue tracksuit and t-shirt with School Crest
> Tracksuits are worn on PE days, for some school outings and for school activities directed by the teacher
> Tracksuit may be worn for after school sporting activities which are organised by the school
> School shorts may be worn on PE days and for the above activities during the months of MAY, JUNE and SEPTEMBER ONLY
> Black/navy shoes with dark soles
> For PE suitable runners are required. These can only be worn on PE Days
> No knee-high boots or Ugg boots
Optional Summer Uniform
> Blue school shorts & t-shirt with School Crest may be worn instead of school uniform during MAY and JUNE ONLY.
> One pair of studs may be worn in pierced ears.
> One finger ring is allowed.
Hair & Make-up
> No nail varnish or false nails
> No make-up
> No hair colour or hair extensions are allowed
> Children should not bring valuables to school.
> The school cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage to valuables brought in to school
All items of uniform are available from ‘Schoolwear House’, Tesco SC., Greystones | Phone 01-287 3420
Attendance & Punctuality
During the pandemic we ask parents to observe COVID protocols regarding keeping children at home.
Good Attendance is very Important
It is vital for developing your child’s life skills and for his/her success at St Brigid’s that her/his attendance is both regular and punctual. As far as is possible a child should remain in school for the full school day.
Family trips should be organised to coincide with the school holidays.
(Dental appointments during school hours seem to be unavoidable. )
Please do not promise your child that he/she may come home from school if he/she is unwell, as this may be unsettling for your child. It is understood that if a child is obviously unwell that you will be contacted but it is in your child’s best interest to be in school every day for the full day.
The school is legally required to notify the National Educational Welfare Board if your child has missed 20 days or more in the course of any one school year or if the principal/ class teacher is concerned about your child’s attendance.
Please refer to our Attendance Policy.
The Importance of being Punctual
When the bell rings in the morning,the teachers bring the children to their classrooms to start school work straight away. As the Irish proverb goes ‘Tús maith, leath na hoibre’ ‘A good start is half the work’.
Being on time for school is very important. It is at this time the children get an opportunity to say hello to their friends and teacher and to ‘settle in’. You will know yourself that being ‘on time’ makes for a more relaxing and happier start to a day.
The first ten minutes of school is an important time of the day. It is during this time that the teacher tells the children what the day ahead will bring. Being late certainly ‘wrong foots’ the child. They can be unsettled and spend a significant part of the morning ‘catching up’ as a result.
If there are late comers, the teacher is delayed starting the day’s work. He or she will find themselves repeating themselves as they ‘update’ each late comer as they arrive in the classroom.
As for the children who have arrived on time, this repetition can be tedious for them and can result in them losing concentration. Late comers slow class work down. The student who arrived late can be playing ‘catch up’ until little break as a result.
Being on time is an important life skill which will stand to your child throughout their lives.
Special Needs Education & Learning Support
The staff in St Brigid’s aim to provide a curriculum that will enable each pupil to reach their potential. Classroom teachers assess and monitor the progress of the children in their care.
Under the revised model for SEN (2017), SEN provision for students is at the school’s discretion. Students are given additional support on the basis of their learning needs rather than their diagnosis. Additional help, from a Special Education Teacher is provided for children who fulfil the criteria below.
Children receive help from a Learning Support Teacher following consultation with parents and after parents have given their consent. The SET open Student Support Files in collaboration with the class teacher.
Decisions are taken about the best way of delivering support, whether in class or withdrawal, individually or in groups. SET can team teach with class teachers and work in-class with groups. We find this particularly useful in the Junior classes with early maths and phonics and in the middle and senior classes in maths.
We are supported in our work by our wonderful Special Needs Assistants, who bring so much to our school and are worth their weight in gold.
Criteria for students who attend SET (numbers permitting)
1. Children with ‘complex needs’ with the HSE’s Children’s Disability Network Team or on their waiting list.
2.EAL/Children with Speech & Language difficulties
3.Children who need support with Maths/Literacy i.e. they scored under the 16th percentile.
4.Some students will already been noted as needing support because of their scores in standardised tests or have got more recent reports/diagnoses
i.e. those with a
· Specific Learning Difficulty (SLD)
· Dyslexia/Dyspraxia/Dyscalculia
· General Learning Difficulty (GLD)
· Anxiety or emotional difficulties
· Attention Deficit (Hyperactive) Disorder (ADHD, ADD)
· Autism
· Dyspraxia
· Children with Behavioural/Emotional issues
· Exceptional Ability/Dual Exceptionality
Developing and sustaining a child’s self esteem is very important.
We find THIS a useful video. From the British Dyslexia Association this ‘animation seeks to preempt misconceptions among young audiences by shedding light on the real challenges dyslexic children face whilst also acknowledging their strengths and potential’.
It may be useful for your child to know about famous people that have been successful and that have dyslexia. Famously Albert Einstein is thought to have had dyslexia. Click on THIS link to the Dyslexia Association Ireland website to see a list of names.
St. Brigid’s has a whole school approach to Dyslexia
Where appropriate teachers
• Provide handouts
• Praise the student for asking for help.
• Give the student ‘thinking time’ (processing time)
• Praise effort
• Draw attention to the aspects of student answers that are correct and help to focus on what the student does know.
• See mistakes as hypotheses that lead to learning rather than failure
• Use a multi-sensory approach
• Give information in small chunks
• Avoid rote learning
• Teach strategies to support memory – headings, rehearsal, sequencing.
• Give direct explicit instructions
• Check readability of texts
• Use differentiation e.g. only mark target spellings – not all
• Use mnemonics
• Employ paired reading and peer tutoring
• If possible, simplify worksheets. Use large print with clear spacing. Ideally paper should be cream/pastel coloured.
• Use Sans serif font and large font size.
• Avoid lengthy dictation or requiring student to copy from whiteboard or blackboard
• Encourage proof reading
• Train student to plan written work using headings and sub-headings ahead of time.
• Try mind mapping
• Highlight difficult words in text
• Sit the pupil up at the front of the class
• Check posture/pencil grip etc.
• Give work in manageable amounts
• Ask pupil to survey each task and to think what the pupil has to do before starting.
• Show and allow alternative ways of recording e.g. flow charts, maps, diagrams and/or computers.
At all times
• Teachers do not ask the student to read out loud when they haven’t had a chance to prepare. Sometimes teachers ask students to practice a short paragraph at home so they can read it with fluency in front of the other students.
In response to the new model for allocating resources to children with special needs, staff at St. Brigid’s have a whole school approach to ADHD.
St. Brigid’s has an Active School flag. Children with ADHD thrive on activity. You can read about some of our Active School activities HERE
There is excellent information available on the ADHD Ireland website. Check HERE to see information for children, parents and teachers.
Click HERE for a children’s guide to ADHD
Famous People with ADHD
It may be useful for your child to know about famous people who are successful and have ADHD. The list includes Michael Phelps (Olympic swimming gold medalist) Jamie Oliver, Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Will Smith, Emma Watson, Justin Bieber and
Developing and sustaining a child’s self esteem is very important.
The following is available in a number of places on the internet, so we cannot find the original source. Parents of students with ADHD may recognize these traits in their child.
25 Good Things About Attention Hyperactivity Disorder
1. Lots of energy
2. Willing to try things and take risks
3. Ready to talk, and can talk a lot
4. Gets along well with adults
5. Can do several things at one time
6. May be smart
7. Needs less sleep
8. Good sense of humour
9. Good at taking care of younger children
10. Spontaneous
11. Sees details other people miss
12. Understands what it is like to be teased or to be in trouble therefore understanding of other children
13. Can think of different and new ways to do things
14. Volunteers to help others
15. Happy and enthusiastic
16. Imaginative – creative
17. Articulate – can say things well
18. Sensitive – compassionate
19. Eager to make new friends
20. Courageous
21. Fun to be with
22. Great memory
23. Charming
24. Warm and loving
25. Cares a lot about families
In response to the new model for allocating resources to children with special needs, staff at St. Brigid’s are planning to co-ordinate a whole school approach to Dyspraxia during the next school year. This is a common issue affecting fine and/or gross motor coordination in children and adults. Dyspraxia may be also be oral, verbal or relate to ideas or spaces. You can read more about Dyspraxia HERE
This approach will be informed by the excellent information available on the website. Check HERE see the practical tips for teachers on that page.
Famous People who have had Dyspraxia
Developing and sustaining a child’s self esteem is very important.
It may be useful for your child to know about famous people that have been successful and that have dyslexia. Famously Daniel Radcliffe of Harry Potter fame has dyspraxia.
In response to the new model for allocating resources to children with special needs, staff at St. Brigid’s are co-ordinating a whole school approach to support children who are on the Autistic Spectrum.
This approach will be informed by the excellent information available on the SESS website. Scroll down this LINK to see strategies for
- developing social communication and social interaction and also
- managing restrictive, repetitive behaviours, interests and activities
Some useful quotes
1. “If you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism,” Dr. Stephen Shore.
2. “What would happen if the autism gene was eliminated from the gene pool? You would have a bunch of people standing around in a cave, chatting and socializing and not getting anything done,” Dr. Temple Grandin.
3. “It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a child with autism to raise the consciousness of the village,” Coach Elaine Hall.
Famous people on the autistic spectrum
Local advocate for those with autism Adam Harris. He is the founder of As.I.Am, an advocacy group for those with autism and their family and friends. Do click on this LINK to learn more.
Michelangelo, Mozart and James Joyce are thought to have been on the autistic spectrum.
Amazing Things Happen
This five minute animation ‘Amazing Things Happen’ comes highly recommended. You can watch it HERE and learn a lot about autism. If we were all the same what an ordinary life we would have. Difference makes the world a more interesting place.
The staff at St. Brigid’s School provide opportunities for all pupils including those who are exceptionally able in academic areas (i.e. the top 5% of the school population).
We also encourage pupils who show exceptional talent in non-academic areas e.g. sports, art, music & drama.
Click HERE to see the school policy on students with exceptional ability.
We encourage all our students to be exceptional. Our principal Mrs. Costello always encourages us to ‘be the best that we can be’. We believe that the brain is a muscle that can develop with exercise.
When students understand they can get smarter, they understand that effort makes them stronger. Then they put in extra time and effort, and that leads to higher achievement.
In response to the new model for allocating resources to children with special needs, staff at St. Brigid’s are co-ordinating a whole school approach to children who have anxiety issues this year.
There are example of how we do this on the Worry Wise Kids website HERE
Weaving Well-Being is a positive mental health programme of which aims to enhance well-being in children aged from 8-12 years. It is used in the school from 2nd class to 6th. You can read about it HERE
Staff in St.Brigid’s are committed to making appropriate provision of teaching and resources for students for whom English is an Additional Language.
Please click on this LINK to see our school policy on teaching children who learn English as a second language.
Contact Us
Principal: Ms. E. Uí Shúilleabháin