Newsletter 7 – Oct 13th, 2023
Dear Parents/ Guardians,
Happy Friday.
Another great sporting weekend to look forward with Ireland taking on Greece tonight in the UEFA Qualifiers and Ireland up against New Zealand for Saturday’s Rugby World Cup Quarter Final. Lots to get excited about.
Important Notice There will be no Lollipop Lady outside the school today Friday 13th October at 2.40pm. Please remind your children to take extra care crossing after school.
Reminder – Admissions for First Years in Greystones for 2024/2025 – St. David’s Secondary School, Temple Carrig Secondary School and Greystones Community College are currently accepting applications for First Years for 2024/25. The closing date for receipt of applications is Monday October 23rd.
Happy Birthday – We wish Lana O’ Gallagher (8yrs), Sorin Codreanu (9yrs), Fia Cullen (13yrs), Hannah Kerrigan (11yrs), Cillian Brennan (7yrs), Ciara McCann (12yrs), Constance (12yrs), Kiya Fagan Finnerty (10yrs), Nikki Zhao (9yrs), Adam Cebula (9yrs), and William Russell (5yrs) all a very happy birthday and hope they enjoy their special day. Breithlá sona daoibh go léir a pháistí.
Budding Artists Have a look at our school website to view the amazing artwork completed by our pupils this month. The really cute infant self-portraits couldn’t help but put a smile on your face. We are looking forward to starting our Hallowe’en art next week!
Margaret Aylward Day – Tuesday was a very special day at St Brigid’s as we marked Margaret Aylward Day. Margaret was the founder of the Holy Faith Order who have played a very important role in our community for over 100 years and continue to do so today.
We held a prayer service in the school hall in the morning in honour of Margaret Aylward. Children from 4th to 6th class were in attendance, where they learned about Margaret Aylward and the Holy Faith Sisters. Prayers and reflections were led by the children. The Prayer Service concluded with the children singing the Margaret Aylward Hymn.
In the afternoon, some of the First Years from St. David’s came across to do a recording of the Margaret Aylward song with the boys and girls from Room 17. Be sure to have a look at this recording on our school website. A big thank you to Mr Dodd and the boys and girls in Room 17 for organising the day.
Calendar Photo Shoot – The Photo Shoot for our 2024 School Calendar took place at the school hall on Wednesday. The children are to be commended for the huge effort they put in to dressing for the month in which they were born. They all looked amazing, and I can’t wait to see the new calendar. A huge thank you to the PA who organised all the props and who looked after our boys and girls so well on the day. We couldn’t have done it without you.
School Garden – The PA Garden Committee have been extremely busy over the last couple of weeks in our school garden. When they first arrived, the garden was in a sorry state, but over a very short time they have transformed it into a beautiful space reminding us that to nurture a garden is to feed not just the body but the soul. A big thank you to the Garden Committee for giving us what Francis Bacon once described as “the purest of human pleasures”.
Céad Míle Fáilte – We welcome Ms. Ellen Doyle to our teaching Staff. Ellen will be working as a Learning Support Teacher at the senior end of the school.
Maths Week 2022 – A New Primary Maths Curriculum has been launched by the Department of Education. This is the first change since 1999 and marks an exciting development in your children’s education. The aim of the new curriculum is that children see maths as important and useful to their everyday lives. Over the next two years schools will undertake CPD on the curriculum with a view to implementation in schools from September 2025.
For Maths Week we have lots of fun activities planned to highlight the importance of maths in our children’s everyday lives. We will be using puzzles, brain teasers, jokes and games to bring fun to the learning of maths. Six teams from 5th and 6th class will battle it out on Wednesday next to see who the 2023 St. Brigid’s Maths Wizards are. Who says Maths can’t be fun?
Below are two of the puzzles the children will be working on next week. Can you figure these out?
- I add 5 to 9 and get 2. The answer is correct, but how?
- I am four times as old as my daughter. In 20 years’, time I shall be twice as old as her. How old are we now?
It Takes a Village Workshop for Parents – “Fostering Relationships & Making Connections”. Thursday, October 19th at St Brigid‘s NS from 7 .30p. Ian Power, CEO of Spunout (Ireland’s youth support platform), and Alice O’Donnell, a parent and primary school teacher, along with two local secondary school students, will be offering insights and practical tools on this topic. We would love to see as many of you as possible on the night. This is a ticketed event and bookings can be made through Eventbrite.
Gaeilge – Frásaí na Seachtaine # 6 – This week’s phrase is: “An bhfuil tú go maith ?” –
Lost Property Many coats, tracksuit tops and school jumpers are being mislaid each day. Please check your child’s uniforms this weekend, to ensure that they have their name and class on each item. Many of the items being found have no names, or names from children who are no longer in the school. Don’t forget to label their jackets and raincoats too.
That’s all the news for now.
Have a great weekend and be sure to do something nice for yourself.
Le meas,
Máire Costello