Newsletter 7 – October 17th 2024
Dear Parents/ Guardians,
I hope you all had a good week. Please find below are news this week.
Happy Birthday – This week Kiya Fagan Finnerty (11yrs) Ella Sullivan (5yrs), Nikki Zhao (10yr) Adam Cebula (10yr) William Russell (6yr), Annabelle O Gorman (11yrs) Niamh MacArthur (7yrs) and Finn Doherty (9yrs) all celebrate their birthdays. We hope you enjoy your special day. Breithlá shona dhaoibh go léir.
Parent Teacher Meetings We will be holding Parent Teacher meetings in November after midterm. Parents will be able to book their meeting time and date on the Aladdin app from next week. Instructions will be sent out in advance.
Trip to Glendalough- Today our three 6th classes headed to Glendalough for a lovely hike. During the week they got together in the halla to learn about the history and geographical features of Glendalough.
Halloween Dress Up and Bake Sale– Next Friday 25th October the children can dress up for Halloween. Please remember to:
- Avoid overly scary costumes and facepaint that can scare our younger students,
- Choose costumes that children can comfortably wear and play in
- Leave accessories at home to avoid them causing danger and getting lost.
A bake sale will be held in the hall that day and run by the 6th class students. 5th and 6th class students are asked to bring in baked goods (nut free) for the bake sale. All children can bring in €2 on the day if they wish to purchase a treat. The money will be going to support Greystones Cancer Support.
3rd -4th Class Gaelic Football– Well done to the 3rd & 4th class girls: Lily, Joni, Jessica, Cala, Éabha, Edie, Kate and Lilian who played in a hurling Blitz on Thursday 17th October. They had lots of fun playing against different schools from Greystones and Bray. Thank you to Ms O Donnell and the parent volunteers for going along.
Sponsored Walk – A final total amount €8800 was raised from our sponsored walk. This is a fantastic amount of money raised. A huge thank you to all involved.
Junior Infant Open Night – On Wednesday, we hosted an Open Evening for parents of children starting junior infants in September 2025. The evening included a group of 6th class pupils singing, a short presentation by the principal and childcare providers, a visit to the classrooms and hearing from 6th class pupils about their experiences.
A special thank you to the PA for organising teas and coffees, the staff who helped prepare and a special thanks to our caretaker John who worked hard over the weekend to have the school looking its best.
Enrolment for next year’s infants will open on the 4th November until the 25th November.
Visit to the Library This week Ms O Donnell’s 3rd class visited Greystones library for a workshop on Climate Change. The children listened to a presentation and then worked in small groups on various activities on the topic. The children were commended for their enthusiasm and excellent behaviour on the trip.
Calendar Photo Shoot – The Photo Shoot for our 2025 School Calendar took place on Wednesday. A huge thank you to Emer, Libby and the PA for organising, planning and taking the photos on the day. It went very smoothly, and we are excited to see the calendar when it goes on sale closer to Christmas.
Maths Week 2024 – This week was maths week. The children had a fantastic time doing Heroes Maths challenges in their classrooms. Each class received a box of heroes and used it to count, sort, do data and bar charts. In the older classes the challenge also lent itself to percentages, decimals and ratios.
Other activities included maths quizzes, maths activities with class buddies and lots of fun games and activities.
Team Hope Shoebox Appeal
We are delighted to be participating once again in Team Hope’s annual Christmas Shoe Box Appeal in aid of needy children in Eastern Europe and Africa. The children will receive an information leaflet this week detailing what they need to do to build their boxes over the Midterm Break. We will be accepting filled boxes in the school from Monday 4th November to Thursday 7th November. Team Hope will collect the boxes from the school on Thursday 9th November.
More information on the Christmas Shoebox Appeal is available on
Final Reminder Admissions for first years in Greystones for 2025/2026 – St. David’s Secondary School, Temple Carrig Secondary School and Greystones Community College are currently accepting applications for First Years for 2025/26. The closing date for receipt of applications is Monday October 21st at 4pm.
We would strongly recommend that all 6th class pupils apply to all three schools to ensure a local school place is secured for next year.
Frásaí na Seachtaine – Labhair Gaeilge linn le do thoil – sa bhaile agus ar scoil! This week’s phrase is: “Bain taitneamh as Oíche Shamhna”
Flu vaccine Reminder to sign your child up for the flu vaccine if you wish for them to receive it in school on the 14th November
Have a great weekend.
Le meas,
Emma Uí Shúilleabháin