Newsletter 16 – Jan 10th 2025
Dear Parents/ Guardians, Happy New Year! I hope you all enjoyed the festive break. This is our first week back after Christmas and I am really impressed with how well the children have settled back into the routine of school. The boys and girls are working and playing really well and are making every effort to be the best that they can be.
School Fundraiser: Happy Pear cooking demonstration and talk
A number of tickets remain for next week’s cooking talk and demonstration on Wednesday 15th at 7.30pm. A huge thank you to Stephen and David Flynn from The Happy Pear who are giving their time freely as a fundraiser for the school. The night promises to be fun and informative.
Tickets can be purchased from our Parent’s Association.
Birthday Greetings – Celebrating birthdays this week are Ellie Fisher (8yrs), Youness Aouzal (9yrs), Ruadhan Novle (5yrs), Holly Nohilly (11yrs), Pearl Butler Young (9yrs), Huey Pust (11yrs), Grace McCarthy (10yrs), Kate Quinn (12yrs), Devin Kelly (11yrs), Ananya Syamkumar (11yrs), Emma Rose Gaffney (12yrs), Leticia Pereira (7yrs), Cala Kleinbooi (11yrs) and Bella McKenzie (12yrs). We wish them all a very happy birthday and best wishes for the year ahead.
Christmas Jumper Day in Aid of SVP – A big thank you to everyone who supported our Christmas Jumper Day in aid if Saint Vincent De Paul on Friday 20th December. Our Student Council will present a cheque for €2,162.50 to Karen Purcell, President of SVP Greystones on behalf of St. Brigid’s over the coming weeks. I just know she will be blown away by the amount we have raised for such a worthy charity.
School Uniforms
Last year, parents consulted with Ms Costello on an alternative cotton version of the school tracksuit for the purposes of supporting children with additional needs. We are aware that there are pupils with sensory processing difficulties and other needs who can require this type of fabric. Schoolwear house can process a special order in the cotton version but it takes a number of weeks and has an additional cost. The schoolwear house needs permission from the school to process these orders. Please contact Ms Uí Shúilleabháin if you need to discuss this further.
Gaeilge – Frásaí na Seachtaine # 16 – This week’s phrase is: “An féidir linn rith/siúl/léim? (Can we run/walk/jump?)
Fáilte ar ais– We welcome Ms. Dent back to school this week. I know the boys and girls in Room 10 were very excited to meet her.
Céad Mile Fáilte –We extend a very warm welcome to Nick Polishchuk, Vladlien Polishchuk, Jenna Campbell, Leon Power, Adomba Akosah and Afia Akosah who joined our school recently. I can’t believe how well they have settled in in such a short time and this is down to the kindness and care shown to them all by the boys and girls in Rooms 1, 7, 17, 20. Maith sibh a pháistí!
Junior Infant Vaccines – Well done to the children in junior infants who were so brave getting their vaccines this week. Maith sibh a pháistí
Extra-Curricular School Based Activities –After School Basketball returns next week from Monday 13th January.
3rd Class Swimming – Our two third classes will commence swimming lessons this coming Thursday 16th January at Shoreline. The swimming lessons will take place during school time. A big thank you to all the 3rd class parents who have volunteered to help walk the children to and from the pool. The swimming lessons just couldn’t happen without your support.
Primary Language Sampler Program
In December, the boys and girls in our 5th and 6th classes finished a block of 10 weeks with their French teacher Madame Kelly. The 2 programme gave the children a unique opportunity to be exposed to foreign language learning at a young age and give them a taste of French before starting secondary school.
Headlice There have been a few cases of headlice throughout the school recently. Please ensure to check your children’s heads regularly for headlice and ensure long hair is tied up coming to school.
Grandparents Day
We will be holding Grandparents Day on Wednesday 22nd January to celebrate Catholic Schools Week. We would love to accommodate as many Grandparents as possible who wish to attend so we would ask parents, to RSVP the office by Friday 17th January at the latest. In past years this has been a very popular event with many Grandparents eager to visit the school. As space is limited, we would ask that only the Grandparents attend on the day. Any Grandparent who needs extra help will of course be accommodated. The small gate on Trafalgar Road will be open on the day. You can drop your child’s Grandparent to the office where some of our students will be ready to greet them and show them where to go.
Timetable for Grandparent’s Day
Junior Infants & Senior Infants – 9.10am – 10.30 am
1st Class, 2nd Class and 3rd Class – 11.00am – 12.30pm
4th Class, 5th Class and 6th Class – 1.10pm -2.30pm
Dates for your diary:
• Monday 13th January: school closure
• Wednesday 15th January: School fundraiser Happy Pear Cookery Night
• Wednesday 22nd January: Grandparents Day.
• Wednesday 29th January: Half day closure at 12.30pm due to staff training.
Slán go fóill,
Emma Uí Shúilleabháin Principal