Garda Vetting Information & Forms
Garda vetting Legislation:
The National Vetting Bureau(Children & Vulnerable Persons) Act 2012 commenced on 29th April 2016. The Garda Central Vetting Unit will now be known as the National Vetting Bureau (NVB).
Procedure for Garda Vetting:
First complete Section 1 and 2 of the “Vetting Invitation Form (NVB1). Under “Role Being Vetted For”, write ‘School tours and assisting with classes’. Download the NVB1 form. Return to the school principal with two forms of identification. The principal will fill in section 3 and will post your Vetting Invitation Form to Archdiocese of Dublin, Child Safeguarding &Protection Service. You will then receive an email from National Vetting Bureau with your online application form. (NVB 2) You must complete this within 30 days. (Otherwise the invitation form becomes invalid and you will have to reapply). When you fill in NVB2 on line e-vetting takes 3-4 days to complete. The Parent/Guardian Consent form is only filled in if an applicant is between 16 and 18 years of age.
Want to help in the school?
Any person helping in the school in any way requires Garda Vetting. If you plan to help in the school (e.g. Sports Day, School Tour, The PA, After-school Activities) please download and complete the attached Garda Vetting Form & Garda Vetting Invitation Form.
For applicants under 18:
The following form is used where an applicant is under 18, for example a Transition Year student who might want to do work experience in the school.
Identification Required:
You will also need to submit two forms of identification to validate your identity as per the attached list. There is a points system of verification of identity where 100 points must be reached. Please see points per form of identification in the following list. One form of identification should be photographic.
Submitting your Application:
Please return the completed forms and 2 forms of identification (totalling 100 points or more) to the school principal. If you are Garda Vetted through another organisation you will also need to be Garda Vetted through the school.
Contact Us
Principal: Ms. E. Uí Shúilleabháin