8th March 2024

Newsletter 24 – 8th March 2024

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

Another week has gone by in a flash. It has been a week of many weathers but hopefully we will see some sunshine over the weekend.

The Six Nations returns this weekend with Ireland taking on England in a big match in London. Having won their three opening games, they will be looking to continue their winning streak. Fingers crossed.

Engineering Week – March 4th to March 8th 2024 (Report from Mr. Dodd).

Our three 6th classes were treated to a special visit on Tuesday. Igor Gonzalez and Conall Finn, who both work as engineers and who also have children in 6th class, delivered a fascinating presentation to 6th class on careers in engineering.

The children learned about the presenters’ backgrounds, the companies that they worked for, their proudest achievements to date and the different types of engineering including computer engineering, biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, software engineer, construction, architectural engineering, civil engineering, petroleum engineering, environmental engineering plus many more.

Wonderful discussions were had, and all classes engaged very well with the topic. Examples of engineering included:

It was a wonderful learning opportunity for the children and who knows, we may see some of our 6th classes pursuing a career in engineering themselves in years to come.

A huge thank you to Igor and Conall for their presentations. It is invaluable having parents of children in St. Brigid’s coming in to talk about their work and sharing their experiences and enthusiasm for what they do. Thank you also for the very generous goodie bags for each child!

March Assembly – Every month we have a Junior and Senior Assembly. Over the course of the year classes have the opportunity to share their good news and new learning with the other pupils in the school. The children really look forward to these gatherings and to hearing what is going on in the other classes.

This month it was the turn of Room 9 and Room 12 to showcase all they had been working on over the last month. It was lovely to listen their rendition of “Trasna na dTonnta” and to hear how they are getting to grips with fractions. They spoke about the hurling skills they are developing and showed us some of their favourite pieces of Art. For one Junior Infant, Cian Nohilly, this month’s Assembly was extra special at it coincided with his birthday and everyone sang happy birthday to him. Moments like this are very special and one that he will remember for many years to come. Rooms 1, 2 and 15 will lead our Assemblies in April and we are already looking forward to them.

NRIT (Non-Reading Intelligence Test) – We administer the NRIT to our 2nd and 5th class pupils every year “in March. The purpose of the test is to assess the pupil’s general ability independently of their reading. Our 2nd Classes did theirs on 5th March and 5th class did the 7th of March.

World Book Day – Thursday 7th March – World Book Day is held annually in Ireland on the first Thursday in March. To celebrate World Book Day, every child in full-time education in the Republic of Ireland is provided with a €1.50 voucher to be spent on books. The children received their tokens at school yesterday. They can swap their €1.50 token for any of the €1.50 books or get €1.50 off a full price title, any full price book or audiobook (as long as the book or audiobook costs at least €3.99 at participating booksellers. Please note that the World Book Day book tokens cannot be used for online purchases.

Seachtain na Gaeilge Beidh Seachtain na Gaeilge ar siúl an tseachtain seo chugainn.

Here are some of the activities planned for the week.

  • Léitheoireacht – Buddy classes will pair up to do some paired reading ‘as Gaeilge’
  • Rince – Buddy classes will pair up to do some Irish Dancing
  • Ealaín – Creating posters as an art lesson for Seachtain na Gaeilge.
  • Ceolchoirm – There will be a Concert in the yard on Friday morning (15th March)
  • Tráth na gCeist – Table Quiz as Gaeilge
  • TG4https://cula4.com/en
  • Lá Glas – Friday 15th March. We are inviting the boys and girls to come to school dressed in something green on the day. The children can wear their tracksuits to school if they are not comfortable dressing up. There will be no collection for charity for our ‘Lá Glas’ this year.

Greystones Saint Patrick’s Day Parade – We are delighted to be invited once again to take part in the Greystones Saint Patrick Day’s Parade on Sunday 17th March. The theme for this year’s Parade is Creative Carnival. Our school will be allocated a parade number over the coming days, and we can assemble at this number from 10.20am. The parade will start at 11.00am sharp and make its way from Mill Road Roundabout, up the Main Street to the Old Cinema and finish at the Harbour Plaza. We would love as many families as possible to join us on the day. We would appreciate If you could email the office at office@stbgns.ie to let us know if you will be joining us on the parade so we have some idea of the numbers.

Gaeilge – Frásaí na Seachtaine  # 22  – This week’s phrase is: “Ar mhaith leat peil/cispheil a imirt ?” – Ba/Níor mhaith liom – Would you like to play football/basketball? I would/I wouldn’t

Birthday Greetings –– Celebrating birthdays this week are Amelia Carroll (10yrs), Alexander O’ Connor (8yrs), Ava Doran (13yrs), Cian Nohilly  (6yrs), and Sophia Cavey (7yrs), Sending you all special birthday greetings for your special day.

Let’s continue to make every school day count. School Attendance this week was 95%.

Girls Gaelic Blitz – Congratulations to the twenty-three girls from 5th and 6th who participated in a Gaelic Blitz in Bray yesterday. The girls played well, winning five of their six matches. Maith sibh a chailíní. We are so proud of you all. A big thank you to Mr. Dodd and to Mums Aoife Cuddy and Eimear Doran who accompanied them to the Blitz.

Upcoming Meetings  PA Meeting #5 – Monday 11th March at 8pm in the school hall.

Planned School Closures for Term 2

  • Wednesday 13th March – Primary Maths Curriculum Inservice for teachers
  • Monday 18th March – St. Patrick’s Day Public Holiday
  • Friday 22nd March – Last day of Term 2
  • Monday 8th April – School reopens for Term 3

Finally, I would like to wish all the mothers and Grandmothers in our community a very happy Mother’s Day for this coming Sunday. Enjoy your special day.


Le meas,

Máire Costello


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