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St Brigid's National School, Greystones

In the heart of the community

Annual Admission Notice - Junior Infants 2025/2026

Admissions for Junior Infants 2025/2026 are now OPEN!

Basketball League 2024

Welcome to St Brigid's

Saint Brigid’s National School, is a primary school situated in the centre of Greystones, Co. Wicklow.

Our mission is to provide the highest quality education for all our children in a happy, safe and stimulating Christian environment, focusing on their academic, social, personal, moral and spiritual development to help them be the best they can be.

Pupils in class

Letters & Diary Dates

What's coming up...

useful Information & Resources


View the admissions policy and download an application form

Online Learning

A collection of online resources to support your child's learning


An overview of the core areas of the curriculum & self evaluation report

Help with Irish

A comprehensive collection of resources to encourage use of Irish

Video Tours

Play Video
Junior Infants

A tour of the Junior Infant Classrooms – Autumn Term 2020

Play Video
Welcome to St Brigid's

We welcome you and your child to St. Brigid’s NS. Greystones

Play Video
Senior Infants

A tour of the Senior Infant Classrooms – Autumn Term 2020


School Name : St Brigid’s N.S

School Address : Trafalgar Road, Greystones, Co. Wicklow

Telephone / Fax : 01-287-6113 / 01-201-0000

Email: office@stbgns.ie

Website : www.saintbrigidsgreystones.ie

School gates open at 8.50am. Supervision begins at 9.00am

The school day ends
for Junior and Senior Infants at 1.40 p.m.
and at 2.40 for First Class to Sixth.

Please note: Supervision is provided only during official school hours:
9.00 a.m.–1.40 p.m. (for Junior and Senior Infants)
9.00a.m.–2.40 p.m. (for First to Sixth classes).

Pupils are supervised and covered by school insurance only during official school hours and for after-school activities that have been sanctioned by the Board of Management. The Board of Management cannot accept responsibility for children who arrive before the official opening time or who remain on the school premises after the official closing time.

Parents are asked to ensure that their children arrive in the school yard in time for the bell at 9.00 a.m. Children are not permitted to enter the school building before 9 a.m. except on wet mornings (see the information on Wet Day Assembly below). Children are not permitted to go to their classroom unless accompanied by their teacher.

An explanation should be provide for a child’s late arrival. Any child who comes to school after 9.10 a.m. is considered late.
Please collect your child on time.

On wet mornings, children are allowed into the school from 8.50 a.m. However, parents are asked not to come into the school as this causes congestion and overcrowding.

Parents/Guardians who wish to leave a message with a child during the school day are asked to leave it at the secretary’s office so as not to interrupt a class. The secretary and the principal spend a lot of time conveying messages and making phone calls for parents and children because children forgot to give notes from the school to parents.  While we are happy to oblige in an emergency, we do not want to spend undue amounts of time answering the phone or making phone calls as this takes us away from the work we do that ensures the smooth running of the school.

Children can forget what they need for the day. Please help your child to pack his/her school bag and prepare lunch the previous night in order to avoid this.

Parents are asked to give their mobile and work phone numbers and the phone number of another person who can be contacted in an emergency. Please keep school secretary informed of any changes to your address or contact numbers.

A written note or message on Aladdin Connect is required from a parent/guardian to explain the following:
– A child’s absence from school.
– A child’s late arrival to school for any reason, e.g. dental appointment.
– If a child has to leave school early for any reason.

A note should be left for the class teacher or secretary at least one day before your child will be arriving late for school, be leaving early or be out of school for any reason.

If a child is to leave school early parents/guardians must collect their child at the secretary’s office where their child must be signed out.

Children must remain on the school premises until dismissal time. Children may not leave the school except with the written request of their parents/guardians and permission of the principal.

Please collect your child on time.
Please wait in the yard for your child to be brought out by their teacher.
Please keep doorways clear.
When you have collected your child, please keep them with you. Children are not allowed to climb on gates/railings, run up and down steps or play in garden/pebbled areas while parents chat
For safety reasons, every child must leave the classroom at dismissal time. Children must not return to their classroom for any reason after their class has been dismissed.
Children should wait for their siblings and friends in the yard. They should not go to different lobbies to meet siblings. We make these requests all for reasons of safety.

Visit the Parents' Association Page

Find out about the work they do and how to get involved

At Saint Brigid’s, we take immense pride in fostering a warm and welcoming environment where every child is encouraged to explore, discover, and grow. Our dedicated team of teachers is committed to creating a safe, engaging, and creative space where children develop a lifelong love of learning. Our school places children at the centre of everything we do, ensuring that they feel valued and supported as they embark on their educational journey.

Contact Us

Principal: Ms. E. Uí Shúilleabháin

St Brigid's N.S, Trafalgar Road, Greystones, Co. Wicklow A63 WR64
01 287 6113
Roll no. 16573N

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